
15.06. (ŚR) Fast food for ears - DIY electronics workshop

Przy okazji koncertu Jukka Hautamäki i Dennis Tan poprowadzą dla 10 chętnych warsztaty budowania instrumentów elektroncznych DIY.

Warsztaty potrwają około 3 godzin, będą prowadzone w języku angielskim, koszt dla jednego uczestnika 8 - 10 euro.

Zainteresowanych prosimy o zgłoszenia na maila: eufemia.e@gmail.com

A tu szczegóły:

Fast food for ears - DIY electronics workshop

The workshop is an introduction into the world of building your own diy synths, making contact microphones and having fun with CMOS chips. The workshop will be conducted in three hours.

During the workshop three different stages of a circuit will be presented:
1. Prototype on breadboard
2. Soldering on copper stripboard
3. Mount electronics in a box for ready-to-play version.

Participants will build the circuit first on the breadboard. After that they are encouraged to experiment with the circuits, listening to the differences between components (resistors, capacitors etc.).

Projects include: Preamp, making a contact microphone, nand synth, simple matrix synth.

About workshop tutors:

Dennis Tan is a singaporean sound artist living and working in Bremen, Germany. As a sound artist, he makes sound installation which are both sculptural and compositional. He has also written graphical notations for musicians or none musicians alike.

Jukka Hautamäki is media artist living and working in Helsinki, Finland. He is founding member of Turku based experimental electronics association Kokomys (kokomys.org). Hautamäki has kept sound art and electronics workshops and lectures in Finland, Germany and France.

Workshop is for max. 10 people. Previous knownledge of electronics is not required. Small fee for materials. Synth kit prices starting 5 euros.

Things to bring:
Soldering iron, if you have one
A box or container for your synth (optional)
Yourself and open attitude for learning new things

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